EEA Grant / EGT alap
Our motto: „The whole purpose of education is to turn mirrors into windows.” Sydney J. Harris
This project has three main aims: sharing, learning and creating opportunity for further cooperation.
Sharing: We prepared a presentation about our educational system, our country, our town and our school to introduce it to the host school in Iceland. We hope the partner school could do the same to get to know each other. Through discussions we would like to compare and share opinions about education, teaching methods and good learning practices.
Learning: We have never been to Iceland. We don’t know their teaching methods, their skills or facilities at their schools.
We would like to learn some good practices they use during their teaching, pick up some useful tools or activities we have never used before.
Creating opportunity for further cooperation: We do hope that our meeting/visit won’t be the last one or it will be the beginning of a successful exchange / cooperation. Erasmus+ KA1 or 2 actions provide opportunities for further cooperation. With the help of these grants, teachers from Iceland will be able to visit our school and learn good practices here and our teacher colleagues can do job shadowing at their school as well. In KA2 action we could work with teachers and students together on a common project involving other European countries as well.
As our motto says, we would like to turn mirrors, reflecting people (teachers), into windows through which our students, colleagues can see the world differently. We would like to educate our students to be the men and women of the future, open minded individual, who respect others, share theirs with others and learn from others.
Flataskóli: something special in Iceland